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Thinking about buying a business?

Aug 03, 2023

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According to a recent RNZ article, we have hit a 35-year high in people who have an interest in buying. Unfortunately, most are sitting on the sidelines awaiting more certainty in both the political and financial sectors.

A major business broker said they had generated over 3000 confidentiality agreements in the last quarter but that had not generated to sales which were down by 8%.

Locally we are seeing something similar with a high level of enquiries from both investors and working proprietors but within the current market either the actual return is not great enough or the financial risk for the potential return is too high for the banks.

It is common for business decision-making to go into a holding pattern in the months prior to an election and we can only hope that once a result is known, confidence returns and prices have had some resilience.

As the saying goes “Good things take time”, so if you are of going down this track take the time to properly research your venture, so you have all the necessary information to make the right decision. Make sure your business plan is complete, not just the financials but showing you understand where the market is now for your venture and your strategies for future growth but also how you will handle any negative aspects that may occur.

We are always happy to have a chat about our listings, or talk to us about your venture and maybe we can help you locate that base of operation.