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Considering Property Staging?

Jun 16, 2023

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Presentation is important when selling a property. From the moment potential buyers step foot inside the door, they need to be able to visualise themselves living there. A well-staged home helps to achieve this. Real sat down with Marita from Still Life Staging to answer all your questions about property staging.


What is house staging and why should I consider it when selling my home?

Staging is where we carefully select and position furniture, furnishings, plants and artworks to accentuate your home and property's style, creating an inviting and inspiring environment especially for your target market. Staging optimises your property value, increases interest engagement and sells it faster. An investment in us gives a higher return to you.

Full and partial staging are separate options depending on your situation. Full staging is for an empty home, partial is where we come in and help set your home up to look its best using your belongings, by decluttering, minimising and shifting things around.


What sort of difference does a staged house make to an empty one?

A staged home is much more appealing and inviting than an empty one to a buyer, it helps them imagine how the space can be arranged, what style of furniture fits and gives them a feel for the potential lifestyle experience at your property.


Do you stage every room in the house?

It is entirely up to you. We are happy to stage as much or as little as you like depending on your budget, recommendations of your agent and the key spaces of your home. Our free tailored quote would give you a range of options to consider.


Is it possible to have a staging consult where you suggest a few touches for me to enhance my current decor?

Absolutely. We offer free consultation and a tailored quote for your consideration, detailing the specifics of what we've discussed. Maybe it's just some contemporary artwork you need, or some fresh linen curtains, we're open to help however we can.


Why shouldn’t I stage it myself?

Fresh eyes make a big difference in how you arrange a space, we work together with the agent to determine a target market for your home; selecting from our quality collection of notable designer pieces to attract the attention of the right people. You're welcome to give it a go, but it's a big investment to buy everything you need to stage!


Can I choose the style that you stage it in?

We'll discuss the style and colour palette we think will work in your home during consultation, but we don't have a huge warehouse of stock. Our collection is inspired by the celebrated history of design, we're fond of clean lines, natural materials, quality made products and classic comfy minimalism. We like to use a mix of new and vintage, to help it feel welcoming and pre loved.


Can you stage a house that we are currently living in?

Yes. A partial staging option would suit you, where we can come in and help set your place up to look it's inspiring best using what you already have.

If you require some furniture we can discuss this, generally our furniture is considered display only though - to maximise its staging life and our investment.


Will you hang artwork?

Yes, we will be considerate of your walls though, selecting spots where things have been hung previously, or can fill holes if necessary when we deinstall. If you have a new build with no holes in the walls we can use Command 3M strips to ensure no damage is made.


How long do I keep the staging for?

We'll quote for a 5 week term. We offer weekly extension hireage after that time period. We'll pop in at the halfway mark to refresh the vases and water our plants.


What is your go-to styling tip?

Have a long term vision of style, materials and colour palette that fits your home, personality and lifestyle. Choose what makes you feel good in line with your vision and slowly build your collection over time. Try not to be lured by fast interiors fashion as it often promotes poorly made highly wasteful products. Always choose quality over quantity (less is more!), and support our local creatives.


What would you say your styling approach is?

As an experienced practicing visual artist my approach is compositional. I think of staging like an artwork, playing around with the positions and relationships between colour, form and line in a space; seeking to stimulate an emotive impact and generate a conversation.


How is your business different from other stagers?

We offer a full comprehensive garden to gate service, including property preparation work in addition to staging.

We're low waste advocates, using real plants, and quality products that last.

We have a low carbon impact, buying locally made or second hand first, plus our furniture truck is hybrid.

We have a unique style and collection to help your property stand out in the crowd.